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suspend operation中文是什么意思

用"suspend operation"造句"suspend operation"怎么读"suspend operation" in a sentence


  • 暂停业务


  • Knows fields out of popular demand , the sale of the suspended operation of semi - conductor product
  • Some enterprises should either close down , suspend operation , be amalgamated with others , switch to other products , or cut production
  • Indicate how the service should respond when a power management event is received , such as a low battery or suspended operation
  • A local armistice suspends operations between certain portions of the belligerent forces or within a designated district of the theater of operations
  • She ' s helped convince the state mining board to suspend operations at one polluting mine and better protect valley hamlets from mine blasting
  • If a foreign - funded enterprise refuses to keep account books in china , the financial and tax authorities may impose a fine on it , and the industry and commerce administration authority may order it to suspend operations or may revoke its business license
  • If an enterprise with foreign capital refuses to maintain account books in china , the financial and tax authorities may impose a fine on it , and the industry and commerce administration authorities may order it to suspend operations or may revoke its business licence
  • Article 62 if an enterprise or institution fails to eliminate or control the pollution within a specified period of time , it may be imposed with a penalty of not more than 100 , 000 yuan or ordered to suspend operation or to shut down , depending on the damage it causes
  • To violate the rules and regulations direct has authority to reject to carry out , encounter affection of particularly serious risk counterpoises from time to tome suspend operation , withdraw dangerous post , the behavior to lawbreaking , code and the industry leader with ignore worker healthy safety , authority criticizes impeach and charge
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"suspend operation"造句  
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